April is designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month in the United States, and it serves as a reminder that everyone can help keep all children safe and healthy. Plan now and be part of this national effort on behalf of kids and parents!
- Find your state’s chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America and ask how you can help in your community.
- Invite an expert speaker to your congregation or kids’ school. Can’t find one? E-mail me and I’ll help!
- Print out Rosenzweig’s Rules for Raising Sexually Safe and Healthy Children and give it to people you love!
- Sent this link to parents to watch a discussion from Penn State Public Television WPSU on what they can do to help prevent sexual abuse
- Show all parents the Top Ten Reasons Not to Spank Your Child
- Offer a young family three or four hours of babysitting — a real break for stressed parents from supportive friends can mean the world!
- Send this sample proclamation to your local and state government officials and ask them to declare April Child Abuse Prevention Month in your community.
- Join the National Movement for America’s Children.
- Join the Enough Abuse Campaign!
- Hug your children and remind them to hug people they love. Raising gentle, loving, empathic children sets the groundwork for the next generation of healthy families!
And here’s more ideas, sent to me by colleagues — can we add yours? tweet to @SexWiseParent
Support The Innocence Revolution — a global day to end child sexual abuse.
Read The National Plan to Prevent Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children — and ACT!!!
Please — don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference!